gas price falls


Gas Prices Fall to $2.25 per Gallon on Average in U.S.

In the last two week US The average price of regular-grade gasoline at MSR fell below 25 2.25 per gallon.

Trilby Lundberg, an industry analyst at the Lundberg survey, said Sunday's prices could change slightly in the coming days as hurricanes pound the Gulf Coast and affect oil production. Judge, due to the epidemic the reduction in demand for gasoline means that there is plenty of petroleum available for motorists.

Across the country, the highest average price for regular gas is 3.36 g per gallon in the San Francisco Bay Area. The lowest average is in Houston at 1.78 per gallon. The average price of diesel in the circus on Friday was $ 2.50 a gallon, down from one paise two weeks ago.

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